Thursday, December 24, 2009


Hello all.

I am glad we could meet again. I missed you guys. However, I am still within my quota of one a week, and I have to say, this has been a great week.

I have discovered a few things about myself, some I will share with you, others I will steal for myself.

It has been very encouraging for me to find out, this week, that more people read this blog than I thought. I found out about one other person--the tally is now up to three people! And to those people, and those who I don't know about your presence on my blog, please, become a follower. Not in the sense of a cult, but it is encouraging for me to see that people actually read this.

Actually, most interesting thing of the week--I just had a girl add me on facebook because she thought I was the guitarist from Paramore. No lie. She is in Arkansas, and she attends a school of the blind. She speaks Spanish! It was cool. I told her I wasn't the guitarist, but we talked on the chat in Spanish.

*one week later*
Man, I can't believe I let this one go so long. My bad guys.

The greatest epiphony just happened to me. I can't believe how simple it is, and yet at the same time, how long it took for me to get this in my head.

John 1:5 says this, "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it." HOW AMAZING IS THAT?!?!?!

It is still blowing my mind, I am not even kidding. This passage talks about how the Word is Jesus, and Jesus is the word (makes you understand why he could quote scripture so well). It is saying that the word is light, and the light can never be extinguished by the darkness!

I have read the first chapter of John probably 15-20 times, and this finally makes sense, to the fullness of its magnitude! I can't believe how blind I have been. And another thing--

Pray for me. I am praying for God to give the embedded realization that, "If the Holy Spirit is truly in me, then I won't desire for anything else, ever." This is a quote from my good friend Phil, and I can't believe how amazing it is!

Think about it, if God has filled us with Him, then there is no room for anything else.

Man, this is mind blowing. I am going to go pray and read my Bible for a bit. I hope you all have a merry Christmas, and try not to get all caught up in the commercialism. Christmas is about Christ, but it is also a time for us to just be with each other and love each other.

Happy Christmas,


  1. wow.....your articles are amazing....i just love reading and's my passion...but you see,whenever i talk about something like god and friends think that i'm a philosophical freak...i had lastly started to believe that no one understands me....but reading your blog i totally feel that your just like me...we are from different countries and have not met and maybe never will...but still i think you can understand how amazing is that......!!!!!

  2. Hey! Thanks!

    I am trying to reformat and have more of a defined purpose, but I will have more up soon.

    Also, keep it up. I regularly sit down with a group of guys called Socrates Cafe (the local college philosophy club) and have found that the more I am just myself around them, the quicker they accept me.

    If the real you is passionate about God, wear the badge "philosophical freak" with pride. Just seek God, and let the rest follow afterward (Matt. 6:33).

    Keep it up!
