Monday, August 8, 2011

Elder Scrolls and White Space

The act of creating has to be the most horrifying thing in the world sometimes.

I mean this in all seriousness: I'm sitting here looking at the post box, with all of the white space, and am getting nervous about putting words in it. What about uncreated potential can be so disturbing that it would prompt me to be actually fearful of typing words into it. I don't even have to publish them; just words. 

The more I search the gospels, and my own heart--more my own heart--I find that what is really the root of it is the distaste of pushing on and expanding the map. The only image I can think of when it comes to this is how in a game called Elder Scrolls you take the fog away from the world map by exploring the uncharted areas. It may seem childish, but it is just as true in life, I think. 

Whether it is progressing your degree, career, or stepping away from what you thought you were meant to do and search yourself I honestly think that it is these uncharted bits of map that hold us back from what we want to do. 

I'm gonna try and show this white space who's boss--no matter the monsters that lie there.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, and all the ships at sea--

Work has really been occupying most of my time and I'm not sure how I feel about it. While I love being able to pull in nice sized paychecks, and paying the bills (that old chestnut), I sometimes wish that money would just fall out of the sky and make things easier. And while no money has fallen out of the sky for me yet, I did have some cookery fall into my lap yesterday.

A while ago I entered a P.F. Chang's (I now endorse everything about this company) sweepstakes. I didn't really know what I would win but you only needed to send in a text to enter. In a day and age where I can send an unlimited amount of texts for a low rate of $15.99, why the heck not?

So I get the call from a guy who works for P.F. Chang's saying that I won the sweepstakes (which I had forgotten I even entered) and asking for my address to know where to ship it. More than curious about what I won, I had to ask. He said that I won: a crap-ton of vouchers for food, a set of plates, a set of wine glasses, some knives and pots, a set of Bose speakers and some other swag. I was floored. Also, I might add, at the time I was being given a whole bag of fresh veggies and a set of glassware pots from my Grandmother.

I don't say all of this to tell you how I had a lucky day, or that I am trying to gloat or something. I wanted to bring up how it makes me revert back to this idea of Grace that I so desperately cling to as a follower of Christ. What makes any of my dealings with God and Christ possible is that I have been given this free gift, totally unearned and undeserved that is continuously offered to me. I really think that once this idea of grace is accepted, we see all the other millions of ways God freely gives.

Like a $25-tip day, or a whole ton of swag from P.F. Chang's.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Hello Again

Ladies and Gentlemen and all the ships at sea---

I'm back. 

I've been away for while and apologize to those who have possibly checked this blogs and found that it isn't very useful. It has been awhile and lots have changed in my life. The more I think about writing and the process of looking for knowledge and truth in all things the more I realize that blogging is an outlet for that. A way for me to let the good and bad out in a format for all of you to see and give feedback on.

The style of posting will be a bit different than my prior posts. I'm gonna try and shot for a little less high-brow and opt for a bit more of the mundane and simple. It is in the little and simple things were we find: truth, sorrow, joy, God, lack of God, and get a window into our hearts.

So we'll see how it goes. I can't give a specific on how long the posts will be or how frequent. My wish is that all of you will stick around and hear me out on what I have to say. Hopefully we can learn, and learn how to make our mistakes gracious and educational.

Much love

Monday, March 7, 2011

Million Miles Video

Are you living a great story with your life?

Okay guys. It's been a long time. I hope you all can bear with my first post in a while being a plug.

This book, Million Miles in a Thousand Years by Donald Miller, has fundamentally changed my life in a way that I wasn't sure was possible.

Please, make sure you:
Buy the book here!

And look for more posts to be coming soon!